Searching for Vacancy

How do I find out about jobs at WIUT?
If you see any job advertisement or hear about vacancies at WIUT, you are kindly asked to visit our website (www.wiut.uz) in order to find out detailed information about working at WIUT. Our vacancies can be found on the Careers page (http://www.wiut.uz/careers) of our official website, by clicking on the option ‘Vacancies’, all current/available vacancies at WIUT will be displayed


Applying for Job

How do I apply for a job at WIUT?
Once you have found a job you are interested in applying for and have read the Job Description and Person Specification carefully, click on the ‘Apply now’ button at the bottom of the job advert page.
All applications should be submitted using the online application process. Since submitting an online application on our website is the first and the main step of the process, only correctly filled application forms will be considered.
If you need assistance with completing an online application during normal business hours, please contact the WIUT Human Capital Management department at +998712387401 ext.575, 576.

After Submitting an Application

What happens after I submit my application for a position?

You will receive a confirmation email when you have successfully applied to an open position.

Once the job advert for the vacancy has closed, the selection panel will review all applications against the criteria outlined in the Person Specification within the Job Description. As soon as a decision is reached, we will contact shortlisted candidates to arrange an interview.

We will not inform candidates who have not been shortlisted for an interview. If you do not hear from us within 2-3 weeks after the application deadline, then you should assume that your application has not been successful on this occasion. Should you wish to receive an update on your application, please contact the WIUT Human Capital Management department at +998712387401 ext. 575, 576.



Can I find out when the interview will be held?

You will be notified with good time to prepare if you are shortlisted for an interview.


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