1988-1993 - Tashkent State Medical Institute
1993-1996 - University of World Economy and Diplomacy
Student completed a certified course in diplomatic fundamentals at the London Diplomatic Academy associated with the University of Westminster, UK
1996-1999 - University of World Economy and Diplomacy
Doctoral Student, Lecturer in Political Science (part-time), Chief Expert in the Secretariat for UNESCO Affairs of Uzbekistan
1998-1998 - Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Uzbekistan
Attaché for Cultural Cooperation and Relations with UNESCO, International Cooperation Department in Science, Culture, and Tourism
1999-2008 - National Advisor at the UNESCO office in Uzbekistan
2008-2009 - Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Uzbekistan
Third Secretary at the Uzbekistan Embassy in France, Department of Human Resources and Educational Institutions
2010-2014 - Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Uzbekistan
Advisor on HIV/AIDS at the UNICEF Office in Uzbekistan, Department Serving Diplomatic Missions
2013-2013 - Harvard Business School
Participant of Distance Education Courses
2014-2015 - Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of
Associate Professor of National and Economic Security
2015-2020 -Westminster International University in Tashkent
2020-2021- University of World Economy and Diplomacy
2021-2023 -Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education Republic of Uzbekistan,
First Deputy Minister
2023-2024 -Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan
First Deputy Minister

Michael Clarke
First Deputy Rector (Academic)
First Deputy Rector (Academic)

Nizom Kadirov
Deputy Rector for Youth Affairs
Nizom Kadirov has been Deputy rector for Youth Affairs of WIUT since 2005. He studied Physics at the Tashkent State University and Economics at the Tashkent State Economic University. He gained his MEd Educational Management at the University of Manchester.
1993-1997 / Tashkent State University Physics (Diploma)
2006 / Tashkent State Economic University (BSBA)
2008 / Manchester University (UK) MEd
Work experience
1993-2002 / National Security Service / Officer
2002-present / Westminster International University in Tashkent / Deputy Rector on Students Affairs
Student Support Services:
- Teaching and Educational Interests
- Teaching Interests
- Business, Marketing
- Teaching Responsibilities
- Tutor
Teaching Projects/Achievements
Teaching seminars “Advanced Topics of Marketing”, “Knowledge, Innovation and New Product Development”, “Foundation of Economics”, “Retail Management” and “Context of Business”
Research Interests
Economics and business
Deputy Rector for Youth Affairs

Bakhrom Mirkasimov
Bakhrom Mirkasimov has been appointed Deputy Rector on Research and Innovation of Westminster International University in Tashkent (WIUT) from April 2024. Previously, he was the Rector at WIUT (2020-2024). He was the Managing Editor of the international peer-reviewed open-access journal - Silk Road: A Journal of Eurasian Development (www.silkroadjournal.online), published by the University of Westminster Press. He was also a Global Labor Organization Fellow. Previously, he visited CERGE-EI, Duke University, Leibniz University Hannover and Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO) as a Research Scholar, worked at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) and served as a consultant to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Asian Development Bank, World Bank, United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Population Fund, International Labour Organization and International Food Policy Research Institute. He has studied economics at Humboldt University Berlin Vanderbilt University Boise State University and published in academic journals like the Journal of Comparative Economics and Demography.
Deputy Rector Research and Innovation

Farhod Karimov
Deputy Rector on Pre-university studies
2014 - current Deputy Rector / Principal lecturer/Westminster International University in Tashkent
2012-2014 - Head of the Department of Management Theory and Practice / Associate professor/ The Academy of Public Administration Under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
2007- 2009, 2011-2016 - Subject Area Leader on Business (Module leader/lecturer)/Westminster International University in Tashkent
2001-2006 - Vice-President of Marketing/Ulugbek-Textile Joint Stock Company
2009- 2011- PhD in Applied Economics. Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Faculty of Economics (BEDR).
2000-2001- Master of Arts in Marketing. University of Ulster, United Kingdom.Faculty of Business Management.
1997-2000 - Bachelor of Business Administration. Tashkent State Technical University. Faculty of Business and Managementwith University Kebangsaan Malaysia.
1995-1997- English Language Philology (Transferred). Kokand State Pedagogical Institute. Department of English Philology.
1994-1997- Bachelor of Economics and Accounting (Transferred). Ferghana State Polytechnic Institute. Department of Management.
1991-1995 - Teacher of Trade and Technical Drawing. Kokand Teachers Training Pedagogical College.Faculty of Trade and Technical Drawing.
1. Karimov, F.P. & El-Murad, J. (2018). Does country-of-origin matter in the era of globalisation? Evidence from cross sectional data in Uzbekistan. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management. Under reviewKarimov, F.P. (2018). Does country-of-origin matter in the era of globalisation? Evidence from cross sectional data in Uzbekistan. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management. Under review.
2. Karimov, F.P. (2018). Interesting myths and well-founded facts about the evolution of the marketing concept, Journal of «Marketing in Russia and abroad». Section "Theory and methodology of marketing." Forthcoming in №4/2018. (Интересные мифы и обоснованные факты об эволюции маркетинговой концепции. «Маркетинг в России и за рубежом».Раздел «Теория и методология маркетинга».)
3. Karimov, F.P. (2017). The review on the development of marketing thought, concepts, definitions and its changing nature. Tashkent State University of Economics, Scientific Journal of “Economics and Innovation Technologies”, Issue 6, 2017.(Тошкент давлат иқтисодиёт университетининг “Иқтисодиёт ва инновацион технологиялар” илмий электрон журнали.)
4. Van Hove, L. & Karimov, F.P. (2015). The role of risk in e-retailers’ adoption of payment: evidence for transitioning economies.Electronic Commerce Research.IMPACT FACTOR: 2.020. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10660-015-9203-6
5. Karimov, F.P. & Brengman, M. (2014). An examination of trust assurances adopted by top internet retailers: unveiling some critical determinants, Electronic Commerce Research. IMPACT FACTOR: 2.020. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10660-014-9148-1
6. Karimov, F.P., Brengman, M. & Van Hove, L. (2011). The Effect of Website Design Dimensions on Initial Trust: A Synthesis of the Empirical Literature. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 12 (4), 272-301. IMPACT FACTOR: 1.306. http://www.jecr.org/node/63
7. Brengman, M. & Karimov, F.P. (2012). The Effect of Web Communities on Consumers’ Initial Trust in B2C E-Commerce Websites. Management Research Review, Special Issue on Social Media Marketing, Vol. 35 No. 9, 2012 pp. 791-817.http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/10.1108/01409171211256569
8. Karimov, F.P. (2011). Factors Influencing E-Commerce Growth: A Comparative Study of Central Asian Transition Economies. International Journal of E-Adoption, 3 (4), 29-43.http://www.igi-global.com/chapter/factors-influencing-commerce-growth/72394
9. Karimov, F.P. & Brengman, M. (2011). Adoption of Social-Media by Online Retailers: Assessment of Current Practices and Future Directions. International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 2(1), 26-45. http://www.igi-global.com/article/adoption-social-media-online-retailers/52781
10. Brengman, M. & Karimov, F.P. (2011). Social Media Marketing: [R] Evolution of Top E-Commerce Retailers. Marketing Cahier, Volume: 2011, N. 1: 31-36.
11. Safarov, O. &Karimov, F.P. (2014). The influence of high-school principals on the education quality. Empirical study.Journal of Public and Management, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Issue 2, 2014. (Умумтаълим мактаб раҳбарлари салоҳиятининг таълим сифатига таъсири,Ўз.Р. Президенти хузуридаги ДБА Жамият ва Бошқарув журнали, 2 сон.)
12. Karimov, F.P. (2013). Social Media Marketing: Do Social Networks Provide a Signal of Trustworthiness? Journal of Public and Management, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Issue 3, 2013.(Ўз.Р. Президенти хузуридаги ДБА Жамият ва Бошқарув журнали, 3 сон.)
13. Karimov, F.P. (2013). The development of business-consumer e-commerce sites in the Central Asia. Journal of Public and Management, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Issue 1, 2013.(Марказий Осиёдаги бизнес-истеъмолчи электрон тижорат веб-саҳифаларининг ривожланиш жараёни. Ўз.Р. Президенти хузуридаги ДБА Жамият ва Бошқарув журнали, 1 сон.)
14. Karimov, F.P.(2018). Can media-rich embedded social-cues enhance initial trust in online shopping context? 24th EBES Conference (Eurasia Business and Eurasian Society) - January 10th, 11th, and 12th, 2018 at the Novotel Bangkok on Siam Square in Bangkok, Thailand.
15. Karimov, F.P. (2017). The importance of marketing research activities in the development of entrepreneurship in Uzbekistan.ICT in Economics, Problems and solutions of ICT technologies in the national economy. Tashkent State University of Economics, December, 2017. (Тошкентдавлатиқтисодиѐтуниверситети, "Иқтисодиѐтдаахбороттехнологиялари” кафедраси 2017 йил 14 декабрдаги “Миллийиқтисодиётниинновационривожлантиришдаахборот-коммуникациятехнологиялариниқўллашнингустуворйўналишлари” мавзусидаРеспубликаилмийамалийанжумани.)
16. Karimov, F.P. (2017). Definition and evolution of the marketing concept. The ways of effective use of marketing channels in increasing the export potential of Uzbekistan, November 2017,Tashkent State University of Economics. (Маркетинг сўзининг луғавий маъноси ва тушунчасининг келиб чиқиш тарихи.Тошкент давлат иқтисодиёт университетининг “Маркетинг” кафедраси 2017 йил 24 ноябрдаги “Ўзбекистоннинг экспорт салоҳиятини оширишда маркетинг тизимидан самарали фойдаланиш йўллари” мавзусидаги республика илмий-амалий конференцияси.)
17. Karimov, F.P. (2016). Small Business Competitiveness and Economic Performance: Does Marketing Capability Matter? The Improvement of Measures and Mechanisms for Strengthening Macroeconomic Stability, Providing Sustainable Development and Enhancing Competitiveness of the National Economy. Tashkent.
18. Karimov, F.P. (2016). Trends in the ICT sector: e-marketing and e-commerce in Uzbekistan. International Conference on Inclusive and Sustainable Growth: Current Issues.Central Bank of Uzbekistan. Tashkent.
19. Karimov, F.P. &Tokhtaeva, Z. (2016). Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Strategic Marketing: Conceptualization of Critical Factors for Economic Growth. International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Industrial Management (ICEIM 2016), 18-19 November, MDIS Tashkent.
20. Karimov, F.P. &Nishanov, B. (2015). The Importance of Country-of-Origin Information and Perceived Product Quality in Uzbekistan: A Longitudinal Study. International Conference on Marketing (ICM 2015), 18-19 November, MDIS Tashkent.
21. Van Hove, L. & Karimov, F.P. (2014). The role of risk in e-retailers’ adoption of payment: evidence for transitioning economies. European Central Bank (ECB) Banque de France Conference, October 22-24, Paris.
22. Karimov, F.P. &Brengman, M. (2011). The Role of Online Social Media Applications in Initial Trust Formation Towards Unknown E-Retailers. In Proceedings of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems: IADIS International Conference on Web Based Communities and Social Media 2011. pp. 73-80. International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS), Rome, Italy, July 20-26. Editors: Kommers, P., Bessis, N. and Isais, P.
23. Karimov, F.P. &Brengman, M. (2010). The role of website design factors in initial trust formation. In Proceedings of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems: IADIS International Conference e-Commerce 2010, pp. 179-183. International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS), Freiburg Germany, July 28-30. Editors: Krishnamurthy, S., Singh, G., & McPherson, M.
24. Karimov F., 2010. ‘The effect of website design on consumer initial trust’, poster presentation at the “VUB-PhD Research Day”, VrijeUniversiteit Brussel, Belgium. May 28, 2010.
25. Karimov F., 2009. ‘Trust in the Context of Online shopping: A Review’, paper presented at EconAnadolu 2009: Anadolu International Conference in Economics, June 17-19, 2009, Eskişehir, Turkey.
Deputy Rector on Pre-University studies

Jobir Mallabaev
Director of Administration
Jobir Mallabaev holds the position of Director of Administration since 2019. He is responsible for the coordination and management of Human Resource, Marketing and Communications, IT and Law departments of WIUT. He has 20 years of experience in the field of Human Resource Management and has worked in the leading companies of Uzbekistan as an HR Manager.
09.2018- Present: Director of Administration, Lecturer. WESTMINSTER INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY IN TASHKENT
Module leader – IHRM and Operations Management - Postgraduate level.
06.2018- 09.2018: Head of training and development unit (countrywide), JSC UZBEKTELECOM, UZBEKISTAN
05.2017- 06.2018: Head of HR group, HR Manager (Head office), Group of companies «ARTEL», UZBEKISTAN
01.2017- 05.2017: Training Manager (HRD), UZBEKISTAN GTL LLC, UZBEKISTAN
2005 –09. 2007: HR Manager – Head of Administrative Support department, WESTMINSTER INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY IN TASHKENT, UZBEKISTAN
2002 –04. 2005: Senior Lecturer - Department of Business Administration, WESTMINSTER INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY IN TASHKENT, UZBEKISTAN
2000-2002: Master of Science, Management (Emphasis on Human Resource Management), Mays Business School. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY, COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, USA
1997-2000: Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance, Faculty of Business Management TASHKENT STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, UZBEKISTAN
2017: Certificate of Internal auditor of Quality Management System based on ISO 9001-2015 – Tashkent,
2014: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety
2004- 2012: Various professional trainings in Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, UK, UAE, Russia.
2004: Accounting Practitioner (received in 2009)
2002-2005 Multiple intensive professional trainings on teaching at University of Westminster, UK
Director of Administration

Akhrorjon Yakubjonov
Director of Finance
March 2017- Present: Self-employed, Risk and Compliance consultancy.
January 2016-March, 2017: Director on Credit Risk, Recoveries and Debt Restructuring, Assets and Investments Management Company (member of an international Banking Group), Moscow, Russia
October 2014-January 2016: Head of Internal Audit Service. Uniastrumbank, Moscow, Russia (Bank of Cyprus Group)
October 2008 – May 2014: Head of Internal Audit Department. Bank of Cyprus Ukraine (Bank
of Cyprus Group) Kiev, Ukraine
March 2005– September 2007: Deputy Head, Regional office of the Central Bank, Uzbekistan
September 2007-September 2008: MBA (master of Business
Administration). Cyprus International Institute of Management (CIIM), Nicosia, Cyprus.
September 1999-November 2000: Master of Science in Management, University of Surrey, Surrey European Management School, Guildford, Surrey, UK
August 1994 – July 1999: Diploma of High Education in Economic, Specialization in International Economic relations. Department of Economics, Ferghana State University,
Ferghana Uzbekistan
Director of Finance

Alisher Pulatov
Dean on Teaching and Learning (SOLTE)
2018: Tashkent State University of Law, PhD candidate.
2017: University of Westminster, LLM in International Commercial Law.
2009: Groningen University, International Law postgraduate.
2008 - the University of Surrey, LLB with European Studies.
2009- Present: Westminster International University in Tashkent.
Public Law
Contract Law
Multinational Enterprises
International Tax Law
International Trade Law
Commerce Law.
Dean of School of Law, Technology and Education

Dean of Graduate School
Education background: 2009 – 2010, University Putra Malaysia, Post Doctoral;
2002 – 2005, Institute of Mathematics, Uzbek Academy of Science, PhD (in Mathematics);
2000 – 2002, National University of Uzbekistan, Master (in Mathematics);
1996 – 2000, National University of Uzbekistan, Bachelor (in Mathematics).
Dean of Graduate School

Gulnaz Bektemirova
Director of Students Support Service
Gulnaz Bektemirova holds the position of Director of Student Support Services since 2018. She is responsible for the coordination and management of a range of departments, including the Academic Support Centre, Career Development Centre, Alumni Relations, Social Engagement, Information and Customer Services Department, Sports Centre, Health Centre, Counselling Service and Disability Support Service of WIUT. Student Support Services were integrated under a single umbrella under on her initiative reflecting the University’s vision on the role of social engagement and extracurricular activities in the development of graduate attributes and soft skills much valued by the employers. With nearly 15 years of experience in academia, her previous roles included Deputy Dean on Learning Environment and Course Leader of the Certificate of International Foundation Studies.
2018- present |
Director of Student Support Services, WIUT |
2016-2018 |
Deputy Dean on Learning Environment, WIUT |
2012-2016 |
Course Leader of the Certificate of International Foundation Studies, WIUT |
2008-2012 |
Associate Lecturer, WIUT |
2007-2008 |
Teaching Assistant |
2013-2015 |
Master of Arts, International Business Management with Distinction |
Westminster International University in Tashkent |
Postgraduate Certificate of Special Study in Teaching and Learning Westminster International University in Tashkent |
2004-2007 |
Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration First Class Honours |
Westminster International University in Tashkent
November 2020 |
Harvard University Graduate School of Education (Professional Education) |
Ensuring Success for All: Tools and Practices for Inclusive Schools |
May 2020 |
University of Cape Town |
Disability Inclusion in Education: Building Systems of Support (with Honours) |
May 2020 |
University of Pittsburgh |
Disability Awareness and Support |
May 2020 |
University of California, Davis |
Autism Spectrum Disorder |
Director of Student Support Services

Nilufar Shernazarova
Academic Registrar
2021 – present Academic Registrar, WIUT
2019 – 2021 Head of Student Records section, Academic Registrar’s Office, WIUT
2009 – 2019 Academic Officer on Student Administration (Admissions and Records), Academic Registrar’s Office, WIUT
2005 – 2009 English Language Teacher at Tashkent Financial Institute
2010 – 2011 Postgraduate Certificate of Special Study in Teaching and Learning, Westminster International University in Tashkent
2002 – 2004 Master Degree, English Language, Tashkent State Pedagogical University (TSPU)
1996 – 2000 Bachelor Degree, English Language, Tashkent State Pedagogical University (TSPU)