Gulnaz Bektemirova

The best thing about working at WIUT is definitely the working environment and everything about it! First and foremost, this is about people and relationship with colleagues - I love my team! It is about the culture that has organically developed in this University, the culture of collegiate support, integrity and the genuine focus on doing things better. These are the things that bring you job satisfaction, and I love that about WIUT!
To be honest, when I joined the University, I had no long-term plans of staying with the institution. However, I felt the University’s support of my . I am constantly challenged to develop and grow. It is not easy, but it is rewarding.
I never thought I would develop a passion for teaching. I joined as a teaching assistant, but I viewed the job as an opportunity to support my chances of getting into a Master’s programme. And even having moved into an administrative position, I continue to teach. I have to say, I love it and would not give it up!
In addition to the above, I find that the University cares for its employees, believes that the investment into their professional development and support of their welfare will pay off in the future. There is a range of schemes to support staff’s post-graduate studies as well as health benefits and the like.
WIUT sees itself representing the excellence of Uzbekistan’s education and research capacity in the global arena.
One of the key pillars underpinning this strategy is creating all the necessary conditions for the students to take the most out of what the University has to offer, to support and motivate them in achieving their educational goals, gaining the skills and knowledge that would prepare them for a successful career. This is exactly what we at Student Support department aim to do – to uphold our students’ academic achievement, to assist them in their personal and professional growth through a range of extra-curricular activities and projects and to create all the conditions for their health and fitness. I can confidently claim that student experience is one of the University’s top priorities, and we will be continuing to move in that direction in the future.
I think my job is quite unique. Integrated Student Support Services as such is a relatively new structure for the HE institutions in the country. So, I guess people would be surprised about the very fact of the existence of such a post in a university. But, as I have mentioned above the University is very much student-experience focused, and this is the reason we have done some organizational restructuring to integrate a range of student services and gear our forces towards helping students achieve their educational and career goals. Intrinsically it is very rewarding too, because students feel they are cared for, they feel the University’s support and they communicate their appreciation in feedback.
I joined WIUT as a member of staff, a teaching assistant, in 2007, but even prior to that you could say WIUT had already helped me grow. You see, I had been admitted to a degree programme as a scholarship student, so I was fully funded.
While working, I am constantly challenged to develop professionally. I am not only challenged, I am also supported. I received my Master’s and a post-graduate certificate with partial funding by the University through a staff-support scheme.
Through the years, I grew from a teaching assistant to an associate lecturer, to a lecturer and later to the managerial posts of a Course Leader for the Certificate of International Foundation Studies and a Deputy Dean on Learning. I moved to the post of the Director of Student Support Services about three years ago. Today, as the University has set the aim to embrace inclusiveness, I am looking at developing my expertise in this area, and WIUT is supporting my efforts in this direction through experience sharing with the University of Westminster and professional development programmes.
Apply for the job you would be genuinely passionate about. All too often I observe candidates apply for a range of listed positions, almost randomly. You really need to be excited about the job you are applying for. Motivation is the driver of delivery of job, ultimately leading to a win-win situation where the institution you are joining benefits from your performance and growth opportunities open up for you in return.