On the 17th of October, the innoWIUT Entrepreneur's Lab and UNDP jointly organised an Ideathon event during the "InnoWEEK 2023", an interactive competition designed to engage university students dedicated to the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty and Creative Education and Innovation.
Ideathon encourages young people to brainstorm and develop creative solutions that promote decent work and social protection, thereby contributing to the global effort to eradicate poverty. Ideathon concluded with pitch presentations where students from 8 Uzbekistan Universities pitched their projects and the top 3 projects received memorable awards such as laptops.
Congratulations to the winners of Ideathon - Dilafruz Erkinova (Application on Mentorship Support), a Level 5 student in BA Business Management with Finance (WIUT), Okil Ibragimov (Application on Financial Literacy), a Level 4 student in BSc Economics with Finance (WIUT)!
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