Beginning of the cycle – October-November 2024
Ending of the cycle – April-May 2025
Time: to be appointed in negotiation with the school/LC representatives
On-site presentations offer prospective students the opportunity to:
- Receive first-hand information about the University.
- Gain detailed insights into the application process, study programmes, and opportunities available to WIUT students.
- Explore WIUT from their familiar environment, saving time and allowing them to stay focused on their studies.
Attending presentations about WIUT will help prospective students explore WIUT and make an informed decision about applying.
To request the on-site presentations, the group representative should
- approach the admission department via phone 71 2387460 or email, and
- send the invitation message to admission@wiut.uz 3 days prior to the date of the presentation,
- indicate the clear date and time of the University representatives’ visit to their school.
University representatives will provide presentations exclusively for attendees who are 11th-grade pupils or 2nd- and final-year lyceum students.
Presentations will be scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis, depending on the availability of the University staff members on the to-be-appointed date and time.
Admissions and Student Recruitment office
(+998 71) 238 74 60