About the Union
WIUT Students’ Union, or shortly SU, is students’ self-governance body. By students, for students, it serves to assist, support and engage students in a range of exciting and valuable experiences, protect students’ rights and represent all WIUT students in all communications with internal and external parties. Its executives are elected annually to serve the term of one year.

Vacant - SU General Manager

Ozod Shokirov - SU President
The president is the first person to represent the interests of students of Westminster International University in Tashkent to the administration and all other viable institutions interested.

Xurshid Azamov - SU General Secretary
General Secretary generates SU fund. General Secretary can invest to projects approved by the SU Board. He is responsible for organising fundraising projects within the University, and General Secretary has the right to initiate fundraising projects outside the University.

Usmanov Ulugbek - SU Education and Welfare Executive
Education and Welfare Executive is responsible for the academic support of the SU Board to the students of Westminster International University in Tashkent. Education and Welfare Executive is the Representative in Chief for the Academic and Welfare Matters within the University and Dormitory.

Iskandar Karimov - SU Events and Entertainment Executive
Events and Entertainment Executive is responsible for the Social Activities and Events in the University and Complex Projects’ social activities. He is responsible for Social, Art, Entertaining, Music and Drama Clubs of WIUT.

Boburbek Shukhratbekov - SU Information and Communication Executive
Information and Communication Executive is responsible for providing and maintaining the appropriate level and channel of communication between Students and the SU Board members via e-mails, available media and other forms of electronic and printed communication.

Umidullaxon Yusufxo’jayev - SU Sport Events Executive
SU Sport Events Executive is responsible for the all Sport Events at WIUT and for all Sport Clubs at WIUT. Also has a privilege right to organise Sport purpose Events. In the case where the same project was planned earlier and written by other SU Executives, student(s) or students’ association(s), then SU Sport Events Executive should be stated as Senior Partner on the same project and should be aware of the progress of the project.