Amity Global Institute and Nazarbayev University delegations visited WIUT

Strengthening Partnerships and Fostering Collaboration: Recent Visits to Westminster International University in Tashkent

WIUT recently hosted a visit from Amity Global Institute (AGI) from Singapore, along with their team based in Tashkent and partner University, Teesside University, to solidify their agreement on articulation programs for Business Management courses. 

Additionally, Nazarbayev University (NU) representatives visited WIUT on February 21, 2024, to explore collaborative research opportunities.  NU specialists delivered guest lectures on economics, research, and data science to WIUT students and faculty, enhancing knowledge exchange and regional collaboration.

Our channels: Website; Facebook; Instagram; LinkedIn; YouTube 

Congratulations to WIUT’s Jessup Team for Qualifying for International Rounds!

Congratulations to WIUT’s Jessup Team for Qualifying for International Rounds! 

After participating in the Regional Competition between the 14th and 18th of February, our Commercial Law students are set to represent Uzbekistan in the most prestigious Jessup Competition’s International Rounds in Washington, USA. 

Our channels: Website; Facebook; Instagram; LinkedIn; YouTube 

Empowering Women in Science: The 'Science Heroes' Event

Empowering Women in Science: The 'Science Heroes' Event

Marking the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the 'Science Heroes' event stands as a collaborative effort between Westminster International University in Tashkent (WIUT), the United Nations in Uzbekistan and the UN Women Office in Tashkent. This event serves as a platform for distinguished speakers to present cutting-edge research and insights in the fields of STEM subjects from WIUT, Pharmaceutical Technical University, and Tashkent State University of Law. 

Our channels: Website; Facebook; Instagram; LinkedIn; YouTube 

Visit to the Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Visit to the Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan

WIUT students embarked on an enriching journey through the Museum of History and Awards at the Academy of the Armed Forces of Uzbekistan. Immersed in the rich heritage of the nation's armed forces, they witnessed simulated gun fires and interacted with various army machines, gaining firsthand insights into Academy’s operations.

Our channels: Website; Facebook; Instagram; LinkedIn; YouTube 

Information Session for applicants` parents

Information Session for applicants` parents

Dear parents of applicants!

We would like to invite you to an Information session, which will be held on March 6 at 15:00. At the event you can get detailed information about the university, student life, 1st year CIFS course and admission requirements. For your convenience, the event will be held in Uzbek and Russian languages in 2 different auditoriums.

To register:

Go East - WIUT Summer School 2024

Uzbekistan Discovery Camp: Silk Road & Cultural Exploration
Join our Uzbek language and culture summer course to learn and explore the beauty of the capital city. Engaging courses, themed talks, and trips to the UNESCO World Heritage sites in Bukhara, Samarkand, Khiva, and more are included. You will gain a deep understanding of Uzbekistan's cultural heritage and global significance through interactive lectures, field trips, workshops, and engaging activities.

Course Description
This summer school program is ideal for students who have a passion for learning languages, and history, and exploring different cultures. The program offers a comprehensive study of Uzbekistan's rich cultural heritage, which is a land that has a significant history and was an important crossroad on the ancient Silk Road. The course provides students with an opportunity to immerse themselves in the Uzbek language and culture, with 25 Uzbek language sessions per week taught by proficient and experienced teachers. Additionally, students can attend art and history lectures and discussions, and also enjoy an informative guided tour around old Tashkent city with our cultural assistants. Finally, students can participate in a range of extracurricular activities such as game nights, sports, and cultural events.

Read More 

We are immensely proud of our students and alumni!

We are immensely proud of our students and alumni! 

Their achievements and hard work inspire us daily. Each success story contributes to our University's growth, and their feedback helps us to improve and enhance the reputation of WIUT. 

Together, we strive for excellence and celebrate their accomplishments.


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Ularning yutuqlari va mehnatsevarligi bizni har kuni ilhomlantiradi. Har bir muvaffaqiyat hikoyasi universitetimizning o’sishiga hissa qo’shadi hamda ularning fikr-mulohazalari rivojlanishga va TXVUni yuqori pog’onalarga olib chiqishga yordam beradi.

Birgalikda biz mukammallikka intilamiz va ularning yutuqlaridan faxrlanamiz.

Our channels: Website; Facebook; Instagram; LinkedIn; YouTube 

Enhancing Skills Development with the WIUT School of Volunteers

Enhancing Skills Development with the WIUT School of Volunteers

WIUT hosted a two-day training course tailored for the WIUT School of Volunteers to enhance professional development within the University student community. The training commenced with opening remarks from Bakhrom Mirkasimov, the Rector of WIUT, and representatives from the Uzbekistan Volunteers Association, the British Council Uzbekistan and PRAXIS PLUS LLC, which was established by the Public Association of Disabled People in Tashkent City “SHAROIT PLUS” in 2022.

The seminar featured insightful presentations on various topics, including inclusivity and accessibility, first aid procedures, emergency behaviour, communication, and customer service focused on student volunteers.

Our channels: Website; Facebook; Instagram; LinkedIn; YouTube 

Guest Talk with Republican Stock Exchange "Toshkent"

On February 8th WIUT Career Development Centre in cooperation with Finance Club organized a Guest Talk with Republican Stock Exchange "Toshkent".  
During the session the CEO of the Republican Stock Exchange "Toshkent" - George Paresishvili provided with an informative presentation on "How to accelerate the development of the stock market in Uzbekistan", where the participants explored recent developments on Uzbekistan’s capital market, equity market, market capitalization and others.
The next part of the guest talk involved an interactive Q&A session, where students got detailed answers from the guest.

Lunch talk with WIUT School of Volunteers

Lunch talk with WIUT School of Volunteers

In a traditional lunch, WIUT Rector, Bakhrom Mirkasimov, and esteemed colleagues came together with dedicated students of the WIUT School of Volunteers.

This event symbolizes the University’s appreciation for the invaluable contributions of our student volunteers, fostering a strong sense of offering a helping hand to those in need at WIUT and beyond.

Our channels: Website; Facebook; Instagram; LinkedIn; YouTube 


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