Richard Pomfret, Adelaide University

On 1 November, 2018, Prof. Richard Pomfret (Adelaide University, Australia) visited Westminster International University in Tashkent (WIUT). Prof. Pomfret presented his research on the topic: “Economic Implications for Central Asia of China's Belt and Road Initiative”. Below you can find short abstract of his research:

China's Belt and Road Initiative has attracted attention as a blueprint for increased Chinese leadership in the Eurasian economy. I argue that the BRI is better seen as a portmanteau initiative combining elements that have evolved from various economic and political origins. The overland Belt builds on a firm economic foundation as EU-China rail links have been established and extended since 2011 in response to demand. It is important for Central Asia, because overland routes from China mostly traverse the region and provide an opportunity for exporters to benefit from lower trade costs. This is especially important as Central Asian governments seek to diversity their economies after the resource boom.

You can find background information on Prof. Pomfret`s research at:


Road Map of Reforms in Uzbekistan

On the 30th November 2018, Westminster International University in Tashkent (WIUT) welcomed Dr. Klaus Rohland, who gave a lecturer on “Road Map of Reforms in Uzbekistan”. Dr. Klaus Rohland works for Mercator Institute for China Studies (Germany). Previously, Dr. Rohland worked as the World Bank's Country Director for Korea, China and Mongolia, stationed in Beijing, China. In this position he led the World Bank's operational work and advisory services, including the long term strategy studies on China's trajectory towards 2030 and urbanization.

The primary objective of this lecture was to discuss the Political Economy of Development by showcasing the challenges of economic reforms in Uzbekistan. Particularly, government’s policies on improvement the competitiveness of the economy through structural reforms, modernization and diversification of its leading industries; modernization and development of agriculture; continuing of institutional and structural reforms aimed at reducing the state's presence in the economy; development of higher education.

The presentation was very interesting for the students and staff and was followed by Q&A.

IMF Mission visits WIUT

On 5 March 2019, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Mission led by Mr. Albert Jaeger visited WIUT. Visit to WIUT is a part of IMF Mission`s meetings with Government officials, public and private sectors representatives. During the lecture, Mr. Albert Jaeger and his colleagues discussed current economic and social reforms in Uzbekistan, and answered important questions they have analyzed for the last three years. For example, they measured the importance of current reforms in Uzbekistan and how they impact investment climate of the country based on the investors survey they conducted recently. They mentioned importance of tax reforms continuation, reforms in education, and reforms in energy sectors. Interesting presentation followed Q&A session. Answering the question regarding privatization policies in Uzbekistan, Mr. Albert Jaeger emphasized the importance of corporate governance for privatization.


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