WIUT Hosts Book Fair to Celebrate Uzbek Language Day

In honour of Uzbek Language Day, Westminster International University in Tashkent celebrated with a special event titled "Ona Tili – Millatning Ruhidir", dedicated to the beauty and cultural importance of the Uzbek language. Central to the event was an impressive Book Fair featuring a rich selection of Uzbek literary works alongside renowned international titles. From timeless classics to modern works, each book in the collection offered a glimpse into Uzbekistan's vibrant cultural heritage.

The celebration extended beyond the book exhibition, as attendees engaged in creative activities and competitions, including readings from iconic literary works, poetry recitals, and lively role-plays of famous scenes from Uzbek literature. These activities brought the stories to life, allowing participants to experience the depth and artistry of Uzbek literature firsthand.

Our channels: Website; Facebook; Instagram; LinkedIn; YouTube 

Ensuring Compliance with the Law, Preventing Violations, Crime, Corruption, and Drug Use in Educational Institutions

In alignment with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovations directive (3/15-100, dated 16 October 2024), Westminster International University in Tashkent (WIUT) hosted a preventive event on 30 October. The event, titled "Ensuring Compliance with the Law, Preventing Violations, Crime, Corruption, and Drug Use in Educational Institutions," featured an insightful discussion led by Lieutenant Colonel Arman Aydarov, a postgraduate trainee at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

This discussion provided WIUT students with valuable insights into fostering a safe, law-abiding environment and addressed critical topics in upholding integrity and preventing misconduct.


Oliy ta’lim, fan va innovatsiyalar vazirligining 2024-yil 16-oktyabrdagi 3/15-100-sonli xati ijrosini ta’minlash maqsadida Toshkent shahridagi Xalqaro Vestminster universiteti (TXVU) tomonidan bugun 30-oktyabr kuni "Ta’lim muassasalarida qonunlarga rioya qilish, huquqbuzarlik, jinoyatchilik,korrupsiya va giyohvandlikni oldini olish" mavzularida profilaktik tadbirni O‘zbekiston Respublikasi IIV Akademiyasi, Magistratura tinglovchisi, Podpolkovnik Aydarov Arman Agzamxanovich TXVU talabalari bilan yaqindan suhbatlashdilar.

Ushbu tadbirda asosiy e’tibor yoshlarning huquqiy ongi va mas’uliyatini oshirish, ularni sog‘lom hayotga undash hamda turli salbiy illatlardan ogohlantirishga qaratildi.

Our channels: Website; Facebook; Instagram; LinkedIn; YouTube 

Graduation Ceremony for the Class of 2024

Dear Graduates,

We are delighted to announce that the Graduation Ceremony for the Class of 2024 (the academic year 2023/2024) will take place on Friday, November 22nd, 2024, at the “Cinema Palace” named after Alisher Navoi (Panorama), located at 15 Navoi Street, Shaykhontohur District, Tashkent.

It is the day when dreams come true. It is the acknowledgement of many endeavours towards a successful and bright future. 

Traditionally, our UK colleagues, led by the Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Peter Bonfield, from the University of Westminster, UK, will come to participate and preside in the Graduation Ceremony. 

The Graduation Ceremony will be held in two separate slots, as follows:
• 1st Slot – 11:00-14:00
       - BA in Business Management and its Pathways 
       - BA in Commercial Law
       - BSc in Business Information Systems
• 2nd Slot – 14:00-17:00
       - All other Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses

To attend the Graduation Ceremony, please register here: https://www.wiut.uz/graduation-ceremony-2024 

The deadline for registration is November 13th, 2024

Let us welcome you on stage and celebrate this special day together!

Our channels: Website; Facebook; Instagram; LinkedIn; YouTube 

Welcoming Parents on Campus: Information Session for Students’ Parents at WIUT

On October 30th, Westminster International University in Tashkent hosted the Information Session for Students’ Parents, a unique opportunity for parents to gain deeper insights into their children’s educational journey and the supportive resources available to foster growth and success.

Throughout the event, parents engaged in discussions about the dynamic academic environment and students' active participation in clubs, projects, and various activities that enrich their university experience. Attendees also learned about career prospects for WIUT graduates and the comprehensive support network offered to both students and alumni. This event aimed to strengthen the connection between home and campus, ensuring that parents are well-informed and actively engaged in their children's academic and professional journey.

Our channels: Website; Facebook; Instagram; LinkedIn; YouTube 

Best of luck with your mid-terms, WIUT Wolves! You’ve got this

As you head into the mid-term assessment period, remember to give it your all and trust in the hard work you’ve put in. A few reminders about exam regulations at WIUT to help you stay on track:

Please ensure you come to the examination venue an hour before the examination starts;

Bring your WIUT student ID card. Without it, you are not allowed to enter the examination;

Only materials explicitly allowed by your invigilator (such as blue or black pens, pencils, and calculators) may be brought to the exam. All bags and electronic devices must be left in the designated area;
It is essential to maintain silence during the examination. Communication with other students is strictly prohibited;

Cheating or using unauthorised materials will not be tolerated and may result in assessment offence action.

We appreciate your cooperation and wish you success in your exams!

Our channels: Website; Facebook; Instagram; Linkedin; YouTube 

Contributing to a Greener Future

In support of the "Yashil Makon" national project, Westminster International University in Tashkent has planted new trees on campus, contributing to a greener and more sustainable environment for our community. 

This initiative not only enhances the natural beauty of our campus but also reflects WIUT's commitment to Uzbekistan's national goals for environmental sustainability. We are proud to play our part in creating a greener future for generations to come.

Our channels: Website; Facebook; Instagram; LinkedIn; YouTube 

Launch of the StartHER Programme

Launch of the StartHER Programme 

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the StartHER Programme, introduced as part of the 5 Important Initiatives framework put forward by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, to empower female entrepreneurs! This programme equips WIUT’s female students with essential skills, resources, and networks crucial for their entrepreneurial development.

The event brought together our female students and alumni, creating an atmosphere charged with enthusiasm. Participants engaged actively, posed insightful questions, and shared their personal entrepreneurial journeys, enriching the collective experience.

Additionally, the interns from the innoWIUT Entrepreneur's Lab (https://t.me/innowiut) inspired attendees by sharing their success stories and offering practical advice. Their contributions sparked motivation among participants to take bold steps in their entrepreneurial pursuits. The session was rich with valuable insights, and we look forward to witnessing how these ideas will influence the future paths of our participants.

Our channels: Website; Facebook; Instagram; LinkedIn; YouTube 

Career Development Centre Digest

Career Development Centre Digest 

Stay updated with the latest events hosted by WIUT’s Career Development Centre! (https://t.me/wiutcareers) Here’s a look at some of the exciting career development opportunities our students have recently experienced, from field trips to interactive sessions with leading global companies.

Field Trip to the National Bank of Uzbekistan (NBU)
On September 25th, WIUT students had the chance to visit the NBU, where they learned about the bank’s history, strategic goals, and services during a presentation by talent manager Oybek Djuraev.

EY Company Insights
On October 10th, EY representatives visited WIUT, providing an in-depth look into the company’s internship programmes, core values, and career development opportunities.

Beeline Career Opportunities Session
On October 18th, Beeline’s team gave a detailed presentation on the company’s vision, services, and career prospects. Students learned how to craft standout resumes and participated in group activities, analyzing real-life resume examples and winning exciting prizes.

Boston Consulting Group Case Cracking Session
On October 21st, BCG representatives led an interactive session, sharing insights into the consulting industry, recruitment processes, and offering live case-solving exercises.

Our channels: Website; Facebook; Instagram; LinkedIn; YouTube 

The IV Young Librarians Forum at WIUT: A Significant Event of INFOLIB UZBEKISTAN-2024

On 22nd October, Westminster International University in Tashkent, in partnership with the National Library of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi, hosted the IV Young Librarians Forum as part of the XIII National Information and Library Week "INFOLIB UZBEKISTAN-2024." Held at WIUT's Learning Resource Centre, the forum was a key highlight of the week, addressing the future of library services in the digital era.

INFOLIB Week, running from 21st to 25th October, seeks to strengthen the library community and develop professional skills, with a particular focus on young librarians. These emerging professionals will be instrumental in attracting new generations of readers and promoting a culture of reading across Uzbekistan.

The event also included a competition, encouraging participants to advance their professional growth and engage with innovative approaches to improving library services.

Our channels: Website; Facebook; Instagram; LinkedIn; YouTube 

Congratulations to our outstanding chess tournament champions!

Congratulations to our outstanding chess tournament champions!

On 19th October, Kimyo International University in Tashkent hosted a Chess Championship among universities, and we're thrilled to announce that our very own WIUT students brought home the prizes! A special shoutout to Suleymanov Mirabbos for securing first place and Shaptakov Omonjon for achieving third place!

Your dedication, strategy, and hard work have truly paid off. A big thank you to the entire team for their commitment and effort! 

We are incredibly proud of you all—let's celebrate these remarkable achievements together!


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