WIUT successfully held the Uzbekistan Discovery Camp: Silk Road & Cultural Exploration Programme

WIUT successfully held the Uzbekistan Discovery Camp: Silk Road & Cultural Exploration Programme

Over two weeks, nine master's and PhD students from Germany and the UK participated in an immersive programme designed to deepen their understanding of Uzbekistan's language and cultural heritage. 

The participants engaged in intensive language lessons and visited key cultural landmarks, including national museums and the "Jadids. Letters to Turkestan" exhibition project. They also journeyed to the historic cities of Samarkand, Bukhara, and Khiva, delving into Uzbekistan's Silk Road legacy.

The experience culminated in a certificate ceremony, recognising the participants' successful completion of the programme and their enriched appreciation of Uzbekistan's rich culture and history.

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Happy 33rd Anniversary of Independence Day of Uzbekistan!

Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi mustaqilligining 33 yilligi muborak boʻlsin!

Bu yil Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi mustaqilligining 33 yilligini nishonlaymiz. Ushbu qutlugʻ sana munosabati bilan Toshkent shahridagi Xalqaro Vestminster universiteti mamlakatimiz mustaqilligining mohiyati va tarixiy ahamiyatiga bagʻishlangan maxsus video lavha tayyorladi.

Oʻzbekistonning birinchi xalqaro universiteti hisoblanmish TXVU tashkil etilganidan buyon, taʼlim jarayonida jahon standartlarini joriy etgan holda milliy va jahon taʼlim tizimi rivojiga ulkan hissa qoʻshib kelmoqda. Mazkur video lavha TXVUning yuqori sifatli taʼlimni tashkil etishi va mamlakatimizning porloq kelajagini yaratishga intilayotganini oʻzida aks ettiradi.

Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi mustaqilligining 33 yilligi muborak boʻlsin, aziz vatandoshlar!



Happy 33rd Anniversary of Independence Day of Uzbekistan!

This year marks the 33rd anniversary of Uzbekistan's independence, a significant event in the history of Uzbekistan. In honour of this significant date, Westminster International University in Tashkent has prepared a special film featuring the significance and value of the independence of our homeland. 

Since its founding, WIUT has proudly served as Uzbekistan's first international university, introducing global educational standards and making a significant contribution to the development of the national and global educational landscape. The film highlights WIUT’s commitment to quality education and a bright future for our country.

Happy Independence Day, dear compatriots!


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Pre-University Entrance Exams Successfully Concluded

Pre-University Entrance Exams Successfully Concluded

We are pleased to announce the successful completion of the entrance examinations for the CPFS and Cambridge AS & A Level pre-university programmes at WIUT.

We extend our sincere appreciation to all participants for their effort and dedication throughout the examination process. With the admissions and examination stages now complete, we look forward to welcoming the incoming cohort for the 2024-2025 academic year.

The results are now available and can be checked via the link: https://www.wiut.uz/pre-foundation

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WIUT Contributing to the Teach for Uzbekistan Movement

WIUT Contributing to the Teach for Uzbekistan Movement 

Westminster International University in Tashkent, in partnership with the NGO "Teach for Uzbekistan," has successfully launched the "Comprehensive Educators' Pedagogical Training" course.

From July 8 to 20, 2024, WIUT professors conducted a 15-session training program focused on international educational standards. The course aimed to improve teaching methods and build leadership skills for educators preparing to work in rural schools in the Qashqadaryo region.

The Teach for Uzbekistan initiative attracted 750 applicants, with 60 selected for evaluation and assessment at WIUT in June 2024.

After rigorous training, 13 participants completed the course and are ready to teach in the region. Specialising in areas such as English, Informatics, Chemistry, Biology, and Economics, they were awarded two-year scholarships and will be placed in selected schools to enhance educational standards.

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WIUT establishes Partnership with Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent

WIUT establishes Partnership with Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent

We are delighted to announce the formalisation of a strategic partnership between Westminster International University in Tashkent (WIUT) and Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TTPU) through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This important agreement signifies a shared commitment to advancing educational and entrepreneurial excellence.

This partnership represents a significant step towards fostering collaboration, advancing innovation, and enhancing educational opportunities. We anticipate productive outcomes from this collaboration and look forward to its positive impact on our academic and entrepreneurial communities.

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WIUT CIFS and Government Scholarship Awardees

Dear WIUT Applicants,

WIUT is delighted to announce the list of Scholarship Awardees for the 2024/25 Academic Year who scored the top results at the Scholarship Math Exam, held on the 31st of July, combined with their IELTS results.

The list includes 90 successful applicants who will be offered thirty WIUT and sixty Government Scholarships. Separate instructions on further steps for those applicants will be sent through their emails.

WIUT sincerely congratulates Scholarship Awardees and wishes them all success in their academic journey at WIUT.

Here is the full list of Scholarship Awardees for the 2024/25 Academic Year:

View results 


The formula for calculating the total result is:

Grand total = (IELTS*100/9) *60%+(Math score*100/70) *40%

WIUT Scholarship Math Exam Results are Released

Attention WIUT Scholarship Applicants!

Exciting news for all who participated in the WIUT Scholarship Math Exam! 

The results of the WIUT Scholarship Math Exam for the 2024/2025 academic year, held on July 31, have been published.

Check your admission profile now to see your results!

Congratulations to all participants, and good luck on your academic journey!

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WIUT Scholarship Maths Exam 

WIUT Scholarship Maths Exam 

The second stage of the WIUT Scholarship Selection Process took place on campus today. The Scholarship Maths Exam lasted 70 minutes and was attended by 150 top applicants. Among this year's scholarship candidates are applicants with remarkable achievements, such as IELTS scores of 8.0 and above.

WIUT annually awards 30 scholarships that fully cover the tuition fees for the top applicants. Additionally, the government allocated another 60 scholarships for the upcoming academic year. This annual initiative aims to support talented students by providing financial assistance for quality education, thereby offering significant social benefits through increased access to education.

Congratulations to our top applicants for completing this stage of the scholarship selection process. Stay tuned for the announcement of the scholarship winners! 

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60 State Scholarships are approved for WIUT

60 State Scholarships are approved for WIUT

WIUT is delighted to inform our applicants that on July 29th, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan announced the State Scholarships quota for higher education institutions. According to the decision, the Ministry has approved 60 scholarships for WIUT incoming students for the 2024-2025 Academic Year.

Candidates for these scholarships will be selected among 150 applicants who will successfully pass the WIUT Scholarship Math Exam to be held on July 31st.

As previously announced, out of 150 candidates invited for the Scholarship Math Exam, the top 30 applicants will be awarded with WIUT Scholarship, and the additional 60 applicants who will score the best results will be offered the State Scholarship.

WIUT wishes good luck to our applicants!

WIUT congratulates Diyora Keldiyorova on a historic victory at the Olympics 2024!

WIUT congratulates Diyora Keldiyorova on a historic victory at the Olympics 2024!

Judoka Diyora Keldiyorova won Uzbekistan's first gold medal at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris! This is the first gold medal won by our female athletes at the Summer Olympics. Diyora's triumph is an inspiration for all women and girls who train with perseverance in sports sections and dream of achieving the highest results!
On behalf of the entire staff and students of Westminster International University in Tashkent, we sincerely congratulate Diyora Keldiyorova on this historic victory! We are proud that our female athletes inspire and motivate the new generation by demonstrating strength, resilience and talent.
МВУТ поздравляет Диёру Келдиёрову с исторической победой на Олимпиаде 2024!
Дзюдоистка Диёра Келдиёрова завоевала первую золотую медаль Узбекистана на Олимпийских играх 2024 года в Париже! Это первая золотая медаль, завоеванная нашими спортсменками на летних Олимпийских играх. Триумф Диёры Келдиёровой — это вдохновение для всех женщин и девушек, которые упорно тренируются в спортивных секциях и мечтают достичь самых высоких результатов!
От имени всего коллектива и студентов Международного Вестминстерского университета в г. Ташкенте мы искренне поздравляем Диёру Келдиёрову с этой исторической победой! Мы гордимся тем, что наши спортсменки вдохновляют и мотивируют новое поколение, демонстрируя силу, стойкость и талант.
TXVU Diyora Keldiyorovani 2024-yilgi Olimpiadadagi tarixiy g‘alabasi bilan tabriklaydi!
Dzyudochi Diyora Keldiyorova 2024-yilda Parijda bo‘lib o‘tayotgan Olimpiya o‘yinlarida O‘zbekistonning birinchi oltin medalini qo‘lga kiritdi! Bu, yozgi Olimpiya o‘yinlarida ayol sportchilarimiz tomonidan qo‘lga kiritilgan birinchi oltin medal. Keldiyorova Diyoraning g‘alabasi sport to‘garaklarida tinimsiz mehnat qilayotgan va katta muvaffaqiyatlarga erishishni orzu qilayotgan ko‘plab ayol va qizlar uchun haqiqiy motivatsiya va ilhom turtkisidir!
Toshkent shahridagi Xalqaro Vestminster universitetining butun jamoasi va talabalari nomidan Diyora Keldiyorovani ushbu tarixiy g‘alaba bilan chin dildan tabriklaydi! Biz sportchilarimiz kuch, chidamlilik va iste’dodni namoyish etish orqali yangi avlodni ilhomlantirishi va rag‘batlantirishi bilan faxrlanamiz


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